Do browsers really hide cookies from other domains?

confusing knot

You’re probably aware of the fact that when you make a request from your front-end to your server, the browser can automatically send along any cookies associated to your server’s domain with that request. You probably also know that you can set CORS headers to bypass the browser’s same-origin policy and let your front-end talk to servers which have a different origin from the front-end.

In addition, you might believe that setting a CORS policy ensures that the browser will not automatically send cookies to your server if the request was coming from an origin not specified in the CORS policy. A malicious website open in another browser tab, for instance (aka a CSRF attack). This, unfortunately, is not entirely true.

“I still am fairly sure that the browser will not send the cookie just because the request is being made to the proper domain. The browser knows the origin the script came from and uses THAT origin to compare with CORS. If I make a website, and the browser is respecting CORS, then there is no way to gain access to cookies from another domain.”

Keeping our users safe as they use our apps is, of course, super important. However, because browsers are highly complex, it can be rather easy to develop an incomplete understanding of the browser security model and make reasoning errors that put our users at risk.

As far as a browser is concerned, “requests” are not all created equal. Are you referring to fetch or XMLHTTPRequest? A regular old form submit with a POST, perhaps? Or just a plain URL link that translates to a GET? What kind of content type does your server accept? Does the endpoint require any data to be sent? The browser behaves slightly differently for each one of these cases, and while correctly setting a CORS policy may protect your users from a subset of them, you can’t be sure that your users will be protected against CSRF until you develop a more holistic understanding of the browser security model.

I’m going to be talking a lot about ways our apps can be vulnerable to CSRF in this article, so it’s worth clarifying how CSRF relates to cookie access from another domain.

CSRF is an attack that tricks the victim into submitting a malicious request. The “trick” usually involves convincing the victim to land on a malicious domain (the “other” domain that we’ve spoken about) while they are logged in to the target app. Being logged in is a crucial prerequiste of a successful CSRF attack, because this usually means that the browser has a cookie jar for the target app which contains session information (a JWT for example). So, if the malicious domain is somehow able to tell the browser to send along the session cookies with any request the malicious domain makes to the target app, then the target app has no way to tell that the request is malicious or unauthorized. Hence the f-word (“forgery”) in CSRF. If the request being made is state-changing, then you can imagine the amount of damage this might cause.

In other words, a cookie being “accessible”* from another domain is what leads to a CSRF vulnerability, as long as we’re referring to a session cookie. As developers, we want to prevent this from happening. Browsers do some of this work for us, but because browsers are complex, it’s up to us to evaluate tradeoffs, and figure out if we need to do any extra work to keep our users safe.

* A cookie being accessible doesn’t neccesarily mean an attacker can read the contents of the cookie. Just that they can use it to make unauthorized requests

Ok, so do browsers hide cookies from other domains or not?

It really depends 😅. Take a look at the flowchart below, developed by Alex Lauerman at Trust Foundry.

Trust Foundry CSRF Cheat Sheet

CSRF is possible precisely because an attacker is able to use your user’s cookies for their benefit, by exploiting edge cases in the intersection of browser behaviour and the specific security configuration choices you’ve made.

Note: This flowchart, and the associated article, was published in 2014, which means some of the information may be out of date by virtue of browsers having evolved newer security measures. I don’t think this matters for our purposes though.

Is your app vulnerable to CSRF? Use this tool to hack your app and find out!

Here’s a simple tool I wrote to help you develop a more nuanced understanding of browser security. Its primary aim is to get you to explore how concepts like CORS, CSRF, cookie access and others are related.


How it works

Once you’ve entered in an endpoint and a request method, the tool attempts to:

  1. Make a simple request via the fetch API to the specified endpoint, using no extra headers and the default content type.
  2. Create a form with action and method set to the specified endpoint and HTTP method, and submit it using the default content type (the form’s target is set to a hidden iframe to prevent a redirect).

The idea is that once the tool does this, you’d head over to your server logs and inspect the result of the requests that were made.

Note that in both cases, the tool doesn’t send data to the endpoint. Its only purpose is to see if an authenticated request (matching one of the above two constraints) can be made to your app. Once you verify that this is possible, it should be simple enough to figure out how to send the correct data to it, if needed. The source code for this tool can be found here. Do experiment with sending data, other content types etc.


This tool is a toy, optimized for learning. While it does serve as a decent starting point to verify if you have a CSRF vulnerability, don't trust it blindly. "Passing" this check doesn't mean you're free from CSRF vulnerabilities. For one, we're restricting ourselves to simple requests. As you saw from the flowchart above, there are potentially ways "complex" requests can be vulnerable to CSRF. Additionally, there are various other things that can go wrong, even if you do everything right (Vulnerabilities in the browser itself, for example. This is rare, but has happened before). That being said, if you find a bug or an issue with this tool, write me!


Even though browsers sometimes don’t protect your cookies from being sent across with requests, it’s actually easy to protect your users against CSRF.

While the flowchart we saw earlier looked kind of scary, it turns out that protecting against CSRF is a well known problem that many smart people have thought deeply about. Just two things are needed:

  1. An anti-CSRF token should be included with every mutating request. Most frameworks have battle-tested solutions for this.
  2. Your cookies should have the SameSite flag set to Strict(or Lax at a minimum).

The main benefit of having these defences in place is that it’ll let you stop worrying about edge cases in browser behaviour as you build and expand your app, because you’re making your server do the work of verifying if a cookie’s origin can be trusted.

If you don’t already know how to add an anti-CSRF token in your framework of choice, do yourself a favour and look it up! If you use Rails, take a look at their security guide. If you use Express, check out the csurf package. I’d also suggest reading the info in both these links regardless of the framework you’re using, because there’s a good bit of useful information in them that is generally applicable!

You might also find my article on mistakes that can be made with JWTs useful.

On the other hand, if all this makes you think you’d rather avoid the hassle of cookies and put your auth tokens in local storage instead, check out my article that goes into why this can actually be less secure.

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